Sunday, June 23rd, 2019
Happy birthday to me! It’s been a heck of a year. We sold our ‘special needs’ home after ten years of painstaking restoration, moved into an apartment and SUDDENLY we got our lives back. No more endless house projects! No more trips to Home Depot! No more fighting over how to mix concrete! Instead, we are enjoying more time with friends and family, more day trips, more picnics, more fun, less stress, more freedom and a better marriage. I honestly can’t wait to see what the next year will bring. So bring it on, thirty nine.
Photo credit: Kerry Anne Photography
Happy EVERY Birthday, my sweet Annie! You’re so darn cute and you put a smile on my face and in my heart. I love you so much and I’m henningly proud of my #3 chick! (yes, a new word for Webster’s)!
love Mom