Franklin Commons Wedding / Erica & Dave

Erica & Dave have an interesting story.  I felt really lucky to be a part of their day.  They had a wonderful, joyful energy about them, like when they’re together, the rest of the world just melts away a little.  Here is Dave’s version of the story, in his very own words (and a very good writer, might I add)…

Like all of the best love stories, this one was anything but predictable. A last-minute favor, a little luck, and a mutual love of coffee would finally put Dave and Erica on the same path, even if there were a few twists and turns along the way…

How They Met

The day after Christmas in 2017, Dave received an email from a colleague asking if he was interested in taking over for him at a local youth orchestra. Saying yes would turn out to be the most consequential decision of his life, as Dave would meet Erica for the first time just twelve days later.

As the Operations Manager of the Youth Orchestra of Bucks County, Erica was the one with all the answers – a quality Dave came to appreciate on his very first day teaching his new ensemble. The next time he arrived, he came prepared with a hot cup of coffee to say thanks. It went on like that for a few weeks, a dark blend in exchange for the keys to an equipment closet. Cream and sugar for access to the good music stands. The friendship that blossomed from those small interactions seemed to catch them both off guard, a few quick texts turning into long conversations, a quick meetup for coffee turning into hours watching the Olympics at a brewery. Both of them would go home wondering how long they’d have to wait before they got to spend more time together.

The Last To Know

From time to time, we all need a little help seeing what may seem obvious to our friends and family. Maybe it’s that haircut we can’t quite pull off, or our unrealized knack for remembering baseball statistics. Or maybe it’s that your best friend is the love of your life and that you’re not supposed to spend another day without them knowing that. If it’s the last one, let’s hope your friends and family are as wise as Dave’s.

With a not-so-gentle nudge from his sister Michelle and some very close friends (looking at you Tim and Nate), Dave finally got up the nerve to ask Erica if they could take their friendship further. They say the best things in life take time, but he’s pretty lucky that Erica had the patience to wait until September of 2019.

The Big Surprise

On their second trip to Longwood Gardens, Dave knew it was where he wanted to propose.

Next there was the matter of the ring, and the couple will forever be grateful for all of Cami’s help making sure Dave made the perfect choice.

In a lucky turn of fate, Dave was able to enlist some of Erica’s closest friends to be a part of the special day, ensuring that she would be surrounded by love. On June 24th, 2022, Dave nervously got down on one knee and asked Erica if she would spend the rest of her life with him. In an even luckier turn of fate, she said yes.


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